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Strategic Goals and Objectives

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Strategic Goals and Objectives 2024-12-03T20:29:07+00:00

Strategic Goals and Objectives

In addition to the standing Strategic Goals and Objectives, President Dr. John Mosby has identified two Strategic Priorities for 2024-25

  • Increase enrollment
  • Increase first to second quarter retention to 80% for all demographic groups

Strategic Framework for Equitable Student Success – Goals and Objectives

1. (ACCESS) Increase equitable and representative access to postsecondary educational and career opportunities that lead to social and economic mobility in Highline’s service area

  • Objective: Community members have equitable access to college learning opportunities
  • Objective: Students are guided and supported to enroll in programs of study that lead to social and economic mobility

2. (LEARNING) Increase equitable learning, retention, completion and transfer rates, and improve labor market outcomes through the use of evidence-based innovation and high-impact practices in and out of the classroom.

  • Objective: Academic and student affairs structures, policies and practices increase equitable student outcomes and sense of belonging
  • Objective: Highline’s academic and workforce programs are aligned with labor market needs and social/economic mobility
  • Objective: Course and program learning outcomes are aligned with knowledge, skills, and competencies required in each educational and career pathway
  • Objective: Students receive the financial support they need to complete their programs
  • Objective: Completions of high wage programs are equitable by race/ethnicity, gender, and income level

3. (COMMUNITY) Increase breadth and depth of partnerships with K-12, other postsecondary institutions, community-based organizations, employers and government that align with Highline’s strategic priorities and contribute to economic and social vibrancy of communities it serves.

  • Objective: Highline College contributes to economic and social vibrancy of the communities it serves
  • Objective: SBCTC system decisions are informed by Highline’s participation in system level governance and partnerships
  • Objective: Community partnerships are aligned with institutional strategic priorities and efficiently managed across divisions
  • Objective: Highline College brand is aligned with its mission and seen positively by community members

4. (CULTURE AND CAPACITY)  Create capacity for meaningful strategic planning and institutional transformation to become an anti-racist college through the intentional development of employees, facilities, and systems that support student success and close equity gaps.

  • Objective:  (under review) Inclusive, equitable and supportive policies and practices lead to high retention of employees
  • Objective: (under review) Faculty and student-facing staff are trained to use antiracist and culturally competent practices when interacting with students.
  • Objective: (under review) Employees demonstrate the ability to use antiracist practices in goal setting, scenario planning, assessment and continuous improvement
  • Objective: Highline College creates and maintains physical facilities and technology infrastructure to ensure accessible and safe learning and working environments
  • Objective: Highline’s annual revenue meets or exceeds expenses required to meet the college’s strategic goals
  • Objective: Highline’s budget ensures fiscal stability and advances the college’s strategic objectives
  • Objective: Budget decisions are made based on transparent and well documented criteria
  • Objective: Student outcomes data and student feedback are used to inform practices to increase equitable outcomes in each pathway
  • Objective: Inclusive recruitment and hiring practices ensure a skilled workforce with a growing proportion of faculty and staff of color
  • Objective: All faculty and staff are aware of and have equitable PD opportunities
  • Objective: All policies and procedures are transparent and well-documented


This draft of goals and objectives was generated by a subcommittee of Executive Cabinet in a two-day retreat facilitated by Susan Mayer from Achieving the Dream at the end of August 2023. The documents that informed this draft included the Strategic Enrollment Management plan as of 8-30-22, available Institutional Effectiveness plans as of 8-28-22, the current Mission Fulfillment Report, and the Guided Pathways work plan for 22-23. We also reviewed best practices for community colleges nationally, particularly in terms of creating a clear “value proposition” for our degrees and certificates. The Institutional Effectiveness Committee revised these to objectives where necessary to align with the Mission Fulfillment indicators and measures. These goals were approved by the Institutional Effectiveness Committee and Executive Cabinet in May 2024. They will be finalized in August, 2024.