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Institutional Effectiveness Annual Timeline

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Institutional Effectiveness Annual Timeline 2025-03-13T23:25:40+00:00

Institutional Effectiveness Annual Timeline

Date/DeadlineAction Item
August 14, 2024IE Plans for 2023-24 submitted according to Division guidelines, due to your respective VP or ED no later than August 14
September 1, 2024Final IE Plans are due to division VP/ED.  (IE Plan due dates are aligned with PDP due date Sept 1, 2024. Allows employees to set individual goals based on department goals. IE Plans inform division goals.)
September 3, 2024IE Plans sent in batches from Exec Cabinet members to IR
Month of September 2024VPs/EDs work with department leads to develop 2024-25 division work plans based on goals in IE plans 
March 12, 2025IE Reflection Form is published on the IE webpage
April 1, 2025IE Plan form is published on the IE webpage
April 23-24, 2025Workshops offered for IE Reflection writers (department directors/managers)
May 21, 2025IE Reflection draft due to your supervisor
June 4, 2025Supervisors give feedback on the IE Reflection using the rubric
June 18, 2025Department Directors/Managers submit IE Reflections to respective VP or Executive Director (ED) - Certain divisions may require an earlier deadline. Divisions may also differ in how these reflections are collected and sent to the VP/ED i.e. some may collect reflections through deans. Please consult with your divisional lead.
June 25, 2024VPs and EDs send batches of IE Reflections to Institutional Research
July 1 - 11, 2025Deans and Directors meet with VP/ED for guidance selecting department goals related to strategic goals and/or division goals.
July 15 - August 1, 2025IE Plan Writers meet and dialogue with your team to finalize goal selection and draft the IE Plan.
July 16 - 31, 2025Workshops offered for IE Plan writers on Zoom
August 6, 2025IE Plan drafts submitted to supervisors for feedback (see rubric)
August 14, 2025Supervisors give feedback on the IE Plans using the rubric.
September 1, 2025Final IE Plans are due to division VP/ED.  (IE Plan due dates are aligned with PDP due date Sept 1, 2024. Allows employees to set individual goals based on department goals. IE Plans inform division goals.)

Date/DeadlineAction Item
August 14, 2023IE Plans for 2023-24 submitted according to Division guidelines, due to your respective VP or ED no later than August 14
March 8, 2024IE Reflection form is published
April 1, 2024IE Plan Form is published
April 25, 2024Workshops offered for IE Reflection writers (department Directors/Managers)
IE Reflection Workshop (Zoom)
May 21, 2024IE Reflection draft due to your supervisor
June 4, 2024Supervisors give feedback on the IE Reflection using the rubric
June 18, 2024Department Directors/Managers submit IE Reflections to respective VP or Executive Director (ED)
- Certain divisions may require an earlier deadline. Divisions may also differ in how these reflections are collected and sent to the VP/ED i.e. some may collect reflections through deans. Please consult with your divisional lead.
June 25, 2024VPs and EDs send batches of IE Reflections to Institutional Research
July 1 - July 11Deans and Directors meet with VP/ED for guidance selecting department goals related to strategic goals and/or division goals
July 15 - Aug 1IE Plan Writers meet and dialogue with your team to finalize goal selection and draft the IE Plan
July 16 and 18Workshops offered for IE Plan writers on Zoom
August 5, 2024IE Plan drafts submitted to supervisors for feedback (see rubric)
August 15, 2024Supervisors give feedback on the IE Plan using the rubric
September 1, 2024Final IE Plans are due to division VP/ED.  (IE Plan due dates are aligned with PDP due date Sept 1, 2024. Allows employees to set individual goals based on department goals. IE Plans inform division goals.)
September 3, 2024IE Plans sent in batches from Exec Cabinet members to IR
September 2024VPs/EDs work with department leads to develop 2024-25 division work plans based on goals in IE plans 
August 14, 2025IE Plans for 2024-25 submitted according to Division guidelines, due to your respective VP or ED no later than August 14
September 1, 2025Final IE Plans are due to division VP/ED.  (IE Plan due dates are aligned with PDP due date Sept 1, 2024. Allows employees to set individual goals based on department goals. IE Plans inform division goals.)
September 3, 2025IE Plans sent in batches from Exec Cabinet members to IR
Month of SeptemberVPs/EDs work with department leads to develop 2024-25 division work plans based on goals in IE plans 

TimelineAction Item
August 15, 2022IE Plans for 2022-23 submitted according to Division guidelines, due to your respective VP or ED no later than August 15.
September 8, 2022September Board of Trustees Meeting:
- Annual priorities tied to college priorities for each division will be presented by VP/ED - grounded in work from all IE plans.
Opening Week & PDD, 2022 (Date TBD)Opening Week continuous improvement, assessment or MFR-related training
April 11, 2023Deadline and resources for IE End of Year Reflection announced to campus
- IE End of Year Reflection form published
May 18, 2023Workshops offered for writers of reports (department Directors/Managers)
June 7, 2023Service and administrative department Directors/Managers submit IE End of Year Reflections to respective VP or Executive Director (ED)
- Certain divisions may require an earlier deadline. Divisions may also differ in how these reflections are collected and sent to the VP/ED i.e. some may collect reflections through deans. Please consult with your divisional lead.
June 2023IE Plan Template, Plan Rubric, and Samples Published
June 2023IEC messages department leads on receipt of reflection.
July-August 2023Workshop offered for IE Plan writers and reviewers.
August 1-14, 2023IE Plan writers discuss draft of IE Plan with supervisors and finalize plan
August 14, 2023IE Plans for 2023-24 submitted according to Division guidelines, due to your respective VP or ED no later than August 14