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July 31, 2023: President Goals, 2023-24

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2024-05-02T18:29:53+00:00 Print Page

July 31, 2023: President Goals, 2023-24

Good morning,

In July I had the pleasure of sharing my goals with the Board of Trustees for the upcoming academic year. I plan to discuss these goals in more detail during Opening Week but wanted to provide a “sneak-peak” to folks during the summer. If you have any questions or comments, please send to president@highline.edu.

I hope you are enjoying the summer. Stay cool and be well!


President’s Goals 2023-24


Build a stronger community

Highline College continually seeks opportunities to ensure inclusivity, learning and growth for students, staff, and faculty. For equitable education access to occur, targeted outreach, support and professional development is necessary for enrolling and retaining our college community. This aligns with the inclusive community Highline seeks to create and maintain.


Highline strives to invest in regional programs and partnerships around Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. This sets up a pathway to career success for students while simultaneously enriching King County and Washington state development.


Highline believes education should be accessible to all individuals who can benefit from the courses and programs available. Offering opportunities to relieve the financial burden of college is a priority. The college also strives to foster equitable access by working to increase enrollment of first-generation, non-traditional, and under-represented groups. Highline provides educational opportunities in a way students can follow an individualized path that will lead to a successful future.


Focus on enrollment growth

Highline College’s primary focus is on increasing enrollment in a very rapidly and changing world within higher education. Thinking creatively with a non-traditional lens, this perspective aligns with our specific student and external community populations.


A focus on student success enables the college to continue providing high quality programs and services. Targeted marketing and programing that highlights our programs can increase enrollment, retention, and awareness of our strengths. This heightened awareness will increase the opportunity for potential public-private partnerships, philanthropic investments, and other means of support.


Fiscal stability and sustainability

Highline College continues to build a sustainable financial model that provides strong resources for students, respectable compensation for employees, and sufficient resources for planning and maintaining facilities. Budgets will be developed through a transparent and collaborative process that directs resources to strategic directions and priorities. Operations will be analyzed for efficiency, seeking opportunities to contain or share costs, and embracing new technologies.


Thank you for taking the time to read this brief introduction to the 2023-24 academic year. I look forward to sharing more in the fall.





John R. Mosby, Ph.D. (he, him)


Highline College