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June 9, 2023: Student Success Council Spring Update

Home/22-23, President Message/June 9, 2023: Student Success Council Spring Update
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June 9, 2023: Student Success Council Spring Update

Dear Highline College Community,

We made significant work this spring quarter on several Student Success Council priorities from the college’s strategic plan. As part of the council’s commitment to accountability, the information below provides an update on some of the work that’s been accomplished this quarter.

Reminder: The Student Success Council is a cross-campus leadership group made up of staff, faculty and students. This group is responsible for identifying, contributing to and reviewing progress of quarterly action plans tied to the strategic plan. The council ensures that the work is progressing as promised. The priorities for 2022-2023 were increasing enrollment, retention, and completion leading to high-wage jobs for our students.

Spring quarter action plan updates:

Recruitment (CRM) Spring Quarter Goal: Complete a majority of the technical implementation of the Watermark Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module by June 2023, complete a full inventory and review of all current outreach activities, and establish final job descriptions and structure for moving Outreach and Recruitment to Student Services by June 30, 2023.

  • Implemented Recruit by Watermark (a module for AVISO that is the new CRM tool for recruiting and supporting new students to enrollment).
  • Implementation is ahead of schedule with ongoing testing. Expected to go live in July 2023.

Adult Learner Recruitment Spring Quarter Goal: Develop and implement an adult learner outreach and marketing strategy by end of May 2023 with the target of seeing an impact to fall quarter 2023 enrollment.

  • Published five microsites (BAS, STEM, CIS/ Cybersecurity, Business, Paralegal) on May 30.
  • Designed marketing campaigns to drive traffic to the microsites implemented
    • Digital display ads and social media ads started running June 2

Academic Standards/Retention Spring Quarter Goal: In collaboration with RISE (Retention, Intervention, Student Empowerment), HAC (Highline Advising Community) and Title III, create a Retention Task Force to increase retention, coordination of resources and time during the 2023-24 academic year.

  • Established the Retention Task Force
  • Task force drafted a charter

Financial Aid Spring Quarter Goal: The Financial Aid office will increase the amount of students it awards compared to last year and work towards providing culturally responsive service to its diverse student body.

  • Created a baseline schedule of annual processes in PeopleSoft to allow department to create comparison data from this point forward on key metrics associated with financial aid.
  • Created and launched a satisfaction and improvement survey to staff and faculty who participated in financial aid documents training. Survey will be relaunched to gain a larger sample size.
  • Identified key data metrics that are critical to determine mission success and year over year tracking of the financial aid office. Those data elements will be built out into a routine collection with the aim of being able to create a data dashboard over the next year.

Website Spring Quarter Goal: Complete work on Admissions, Registration & Records, and Financial Aid websites, and improve the college’s top-level site for migration to the new Content Management System (CMS) system. Finalize contract with CMS vendor and implement work plan for multi-stage migration. Provide campus update on CMS migration and introduce new tools.

  • Completed changes related to accessibility, plain language, content structure and site navigation for the Admissions website.
  • Reviewed, reorganized and rewrote Registration & Records website. Departmental review and approval expected July 31.
  • Selected vendor Modern Campus’s product Omni CMS.
  • Participated in campus town hall to explain culture shift with new CMS and student-focused website.

If you have questions or suggestions, please send them to president@highline.edu.


Student Success Council Communications Team

Gabrielle Bachmeier, Lisa Bernhagen, Raechel Dawson, Joshua Gerstman, Jennifer Johnston, Danielle Slota, Liz Word